Monday, 1 March 2010

Entering our Inheritance in 2010

I hope you are enjoying 2010. At present we are studying the book of Deuteronomy as a church. Last
year we were emphasising the importance of preparing to enter into our promised land. This year we are looking at how to walk in our inheritance – in the blessings God has for us. When we are blessed we can bless others.

Deuteronomy was written for three reasons. Firstly to remember all that God had done with his people – so that they could give thanks and remember the lessons learnt. Secondly in order that Israel could renew their covenant with God before entering the Promised Land so that they would not be distracted by other gods and thirdly so that they could prepare themselves to live in the land in a godly way.

Remembering and giving Thanks

In the same way we can look back over our lives and over the last year and see all that God has been trying to teach us and learn from it. I believe this will be a key to walking in what God has for us in 2010. Where was God asking you to trust Him and be obedient to Him?

As a church I thank God for the 13 baptisms last year. We also thank God for the missions to Kenya and the youth mission to Birmingham where the young people served local communities by washing windows and clearing up houses; For all the new ones who have given their lives to Christ and for the births of 6 new babies in the church too; For the marriage of Christian and Kara as a wonderful example of a Christian couple doing relationship the God way; For the ministry of Louis & Edna to us as a church and the apostolic and prophetic words about growth that have been spoken over us; For the way Neil has taken on the Administrators role and for the values and vision and mission statements that have given renewed strength to us; For the outreach that has been taking place through Cafe shop Revive and the Parent and Toddlers group and the marriage course that some couples took part in last year.

I also remember how God has taken us through the wilderness of trusting him for provision when there was barely enough and thank him for providing new resources in 2010 so that there is enough. God is faithful!

Renewing Covenant

I believe that as we remember what God has done it will now strengthen us in our commitment to God as we move forward with Him. The way Israel was to fulfil the commandments of God as a nation and walk in His blessing was by each person individually loving God from the heart. Each was to have a personal relationship with Him and respect and obey his voice (Deut 6: 1 – 7; Deut 28: 1 – 2). This would bring blessing on them and cause them to be a blessing to the nations. We too as God’s church, representing His Kingdom, need to listen to Him as individuals, pick up the vibrations of His voice, pay attention to them and put into practice what He is saying to us. As we do this we will more clearly pursue His will for us and be in a blessed state where we can be a blessing to others. There is so much peace in listening and obeying God.


As we pray, seek, love and fear God, he will equip us in what we are meant to do for Him. Our society today needs Christians who are fully committed to Jesus and willing to use their gifts to change our world. This will be in so many ways. Many will reach youth through loving them, listening to them, bringing them into their homes and teaching them the principles of God. Others will do this through their work, e.g. school teachers etc. Others will reach families through the parenting courses we are putting on this year. This will be indirectly through us building kingdom families that people see and want to emulate. Others will run businesses that will grow and provide employment and provide finance for the Kingdom. Others will minister through their medical gifts and others through their schools and universities. Everyone of these things is going on this year in LNC. I would encourage you as a Christian whether a member of LNC or another church to hear God and use your gifts for him. You may still be in the preparation stage. Get prepared and then move out in what God has called you to do. It will make a difference. The world is waiting for us to enter our inheritance and bring some answers. It’s all happened before – Schools, hospitals, and many businesses were started in ethical ways in the UK by Christians. God has chosen you to be a light to the nations. As people see your light they will seek the Light. Let’s go for it!


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