We are well into 2011 now. And as usual
life is busy. There are challenges of family life, finances and health. We have
to contend with things every day.
One of the wonderful things about Jesus is
that as the Son of God he taught us how to be sons of God (men & women). As
he was growing he lived his life in submission and respect to his earthly parents
but all the time grew in his relationship and understanding of his heavenly
Father (Luke 2: 41 – 52). He spent regular time with his Father in prayer (Luke
6: 12). He said I only do and say that which I see the Father doing and saying
(John 12: 49). He also told us that God is a father to us and has room in his
heart for us (John 14: 2); that the only way to the Father is through the Son
(John 14: 6), who died to take away our sin. As we trust in the Father and
Jesus today (John 14: 1), our hearts will be filled with his love and peace. We
will not be orphans or feel alone but will know we are loved by our heavenly
Father who is there for us and in us by his Holy Spirit (John 14: 16-18).
Family News
Let’s pray for Kudzie and Heather who have
moved outside of London to a new home in Derbyshire near Heather’s parents.
Let’s thank God for the South Africa mission for what He did in the youth &
student team over the Easter break. The Lord developed servanthood in the team
as they served in cleaning the disabled school’s classrooms and helped weed out
roots in a piece of land to prepare it for a playground for the foster
home. Many grew in their closeness to
Jesus (2 of the team committed their lives to Jesus and one made a
recommitment). Some wonderful life transforming relationships were developed in
the Townships and the Victory Church in Jeffries Bay and Derbenville Family
Church in Cape Town. It was good to see Christian and Kara who are doing well
on their year of training. They also
send their greetings.
Being Family Together
Finally having the Father’s heart is also
about realising that we are family together. Brothers and sisters in Christ.
Let’s keep honouring one another as we do the work of the Kingdom, both in LNC
and across the world whether Afrikaans or Xhosa Christians in South Africa or
Christians from other churches in London and the UK. God is building a kingdom
family that reaches generations and this can only happen as we have a loving
submissive respect for God and each other.