Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Activating the Kingdom of God through the Power of the Tongue in 2014

Death and Life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit
Proverbs 18: 21

Have faith in God ...if anyone says to this mountain 'go throw yourself into the sea' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.
Make 11; 10 - 11

What we say is important. Whoever guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from trouble (Proverbs 21: 23). We will give an account for every word we speak (Matthew 12: 36). What we say can even effect our eternity (Romans 10: 8-10). What we say can be judgemental or bring life.

2013 has been for us at LNC a serious time of growing in integrity. We have been challenged in our relationships and have come through some times of honest talking that have given deep understanding and a renewed purposeful team work. Marriages and friendships have been deepened. We have also been inspired as individuals to walk in honest and deep relationship with God. The fruit has been growth in relationship, marriages, numerical growth and great blessing on our finances. God has truly been faithful. As we look around the world we have also lost great men of integrity such as Mandela who learned to walk in forgiveness and reconciliation that changed a nation and the world. Also here at home in LNC we lost our dearly loved John Young at the age of 96. Another great man of integrity who kept a strong relationship with God while encouraging everyone he met to draw close to God. We will miss his fervent spirituality, prayers for revival and general encouragement to all.

Anticipating a new year is always exciting and for 2014 we have been sensing God speaking about 'Activating His Kingdom through the Power of the Tongue'. Many of us love speaking, however it is so easy to use our words carelessly; they are great creators of encouragement or discouragement. They hold power both in our lives and others. God spoke and the world came into being. Jesus spoke and the Kingdom was activated and miracles took place.  'Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts, consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark (James 3: 5). So this year we want to use our tongues creatively to speak what God says and see the Kingdom manifested:

1) In our relationship with God - To Praise God - 'With it (the tongue) we bless our God and Father' (James 3: 9). Commit to praising God this year. Make it a daily and moment by moment habit. When you feel like moaning praise Him and give thanks (Psalm 147: 1 & 1 Thessalonians 5: 18).
2) In relation to ourselves - 'Let the redeemed of the Lord say so' (Psalm 107: 2). As we speak over our own lives who God says we are, e.g. a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17), righteous in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21), etc. then we activate the reality of God's Kingdom in our thinking, choices, actions and situations. We can change the spiritual atmosphere around us and even our circumstances through the commanding prayer of faith (Matthew 16: 19; Mark 11: 22-24). We must just keep our hearts full of love, faith and forgiveness (Mark 11: 25). Often God is looking for us to think, speak, act differently and change within ourselves in order to then shift things and change people around us.
3) In relationship to others - So often we put others down with our words or backbite and these things ought not to be (James 3: 8-9).We want to create a culture of honour where we are honouring one another and bringing the best out of each other by encouraging each other daily (Hebrews 3: 13). This can literally stop someone sinning, keep families and friends together and positively cause people to walk in their destiny. Parents words to their children can make a huge difference to their psychological and spiritual  health and their future. We also want to speak healing over people's lives and remove obstacles and see miracles (Mark 11: 23). This is the Jesus kind of stuff. It's powerful when we begin to meditate on God's Word and then align our words with what God says.
4) In resistance to the enemy - Our Submission to and praise of God defeats Satan's plans (Psalm 149). When we resist Satan's ways with our words, thoughts and actions then he flees from us (James 4: 7). There is power in the name of Jesus (John 14: 12-14).
5) In reconciling people to God - We know the gospel is the power of God for salvation to all who believe (Romans 1: 16) and we want to share what we believe about God with others who don't know Him this year and see their lives changed. One of my greatest joys has been to see many come into a real relationship with Jesus, some in their teens, some older, some on their death beds. The transformation that takes place in people's lives when they find the  life of God (zoe) through accepting what Jesus did for them on the cross always amazes and thrills me. For the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).  Let's never forget that we can lead people to Jesus and see their lives on earth transformed and eternal destiny changed.

As a child of God you are a new creation and an ambassador who represents Him on the earth - Activate the Kingdom of God in your life and others this year. Plan in regular times with God, meditate on specific Scriptures, listen to Him and speak what He is speaking and so steer your life into the purposes of  God by faith. This will produce the righteousness, peace and joy of the Kingdom of God for you, your family and the nations. Let's build a kingdom family that reaches generations in 2014.


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