Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Wow, what an August!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes....Romans 1: 16
During the month of August we saw the riots in the streets of London and other major cities in the UK. My reaction was both anger and sadness. How could our country have come to this?  At first it was thought to be just young teens but after thousands of arrests it is clear that it was people from every background and age group.

Our Response as a society
Our response needs to be similar to God’s. In his fatherhood he brings both wrath/justice and grace/mercy. It is right that there is punishment but it is more than a justice situation, it also needs a social change. Every member of society touching the lives of each other including young people with grace and truth. Fathering a future generation so that they understand they are loved through the example of discipline and nurture. What some might call ‘tough-love’. 

Our Response as a church
As Jesus’ church we can show his love for those who are isolated and caught up in anger, rejection and sin. For example, as we demonstrate the good news of the Kingdom through our care of young people down our street or in our neighbourhood it will give them a sense that we care and that therefore our God must care. We can meet the social need. Yet it is not just a justice and social issue, it is also a moral and spiritual issue. The only true way change will come is by a change of heart.

The gospel is the answer
Whatever background or generation the good news of Jesus can deliver people from within through the mercy and power of God. We need to bring that message to the world because in it is deliverance (that’s literally what salvation means). Through faith in Jesus, God’s righteous nature is also revealed in us (Romans 1: 17).  We are changed from the inside out.

As we live as a Kingdom family we will reach generations.

Other News about August
•          We thank God for the mission to Kenya this August. Brian, Margaret and Anne caught up with our friends and contacts.  They also conducted a ‘People Helpers Course’ and there was a very positive response to this basic counselling training.
•          Pray for Roger who is in Kisumu, Kenya at the moment building the new orphanage. Natasha Greene is visiting him with a friend at the moment.
•          We thank God for Jason & Joelle and family. The Afriyie’s went to see them this summer. They are encouraged and have been ministering to people in their home and have a vision to bring transformation to the area around them. They also want to use their home as a hospitality base for those visiting Normandy. 
•          Thank God for the Birmingham mission where the young people were encouraged in their faith. As a result of the mission Rachel has run a youth event which raised £57 for charity and saw three make a commitment to Christ and many more ministered to.
•          Christian and Kara are continuing to be challenged and encouraged in South Africa on their year of equipping. They have just been on poverty week where they have had to live as the homeless and survive on very little for a week. Keep praying for them as God equips them for His purposes.

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