But you will receive power when the Holy
Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses……… Acts 1: 8 (NIV)
As we look back at 2011 we can see through
the good times and the struggles that God was causing us to be more dependent
on Him. Like the disciples at the beginning of the book of Acts we can be in a
place where we feel weak, confused and not sure of the future. However Jesus is
saying He is there in His resurrection power to show us that He is real and has
a Kingdom purpose for us. This is going to be fulfilled through His power.
As we (elders, core leaders and others)
have prayed and sought the Lord over the Christmas period some of the words
have indicated breakthrough, revival and a tsunami of God’s power and love
washing over us in this New Year. There were still challenges for the disciples
after the resurrection and Pentecost but they had a new strength to combat
them. Let’s be filled with the Spirit as we enter this New Year so that we can
walk in breakthrough through everything we face in life. If God is for us, who
can be against us (Romans 8: 31)? We are more than conquerors through Christ
who loved us (Romans 8: 37).
We thank God for all that He will do this
year. Praise God for Christian and Kara as they continue their equipping
journey in South Africa; for Jason and Joelle as they continue to touch the
lives of those in Normandy; for Kennedy & Sylvia as they plant their new
cell congregation in Norwood; for all the creative outreaches that will take
place through the newly reformed cells this year; for Women of Worth and High
Climbers for the men; for our Refreshment Days as we spend time drawing close
to God; for our outreaches to the community – Parenting, Jubilee lunch,
Marriage weekend, ministry to the homeless, etc. Also for the missions that
will take place into Kenya through Brian and Margaret and Roger this year. And
for everything else that has not been mentioned. God is a good God and as He
filled the disciples, so He will fill you with the power of His Holy Spirit for
breakthrough this year. Happy New Year!