Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Growing in Integrity in 2013

And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
Philippians 1: 9 – 11

2012 was a great year for Britain in its celebration of the Queen's jubilee and in its hosting of the Olympics. People's efforts showed the best of British team work and excellence. In LNC we've been aiming for excellence together. Thinking and praying about 2013 God showed us that it is to be a year of growth in integrity. This is not just to be an internal thing but something that effects external change. Integrity is from the Latin word that means 'whole or complete'. It is about consistency of action; being honest to the convictions of our hearts. This takes faith and courage in a cynical world. Some of the words we have felt as we have prayed are:

Top Down & Inside Out

Integrity as Christians needs to begin as top down - Jesus is Lord and we need to make him our Lord and do things His way. As we confess Jesus as Lord (Romans 10: 9) He changes us on the inside and we need to live that life out obeying His Spirit within us (Romans 10: 17). The challenge is to be honest as Christians, to reflect externally what we are internally - followers of Christ. This means Christ is in our words and lifestyle. We will only truly be happy and fulfilled when we are being who God made us to be. Being a man or woman of integrity is about what we do when no ones looking. This should affect our mind, our money and our behaviour toward our families, friends and work. Are you earning all you can, giving all you can, saving all you can (Wesley)? Are you loving your wife as Christ loved the Church or respecting your husband as the church does Christ (Ephesians 5: 22 - 33)? Are you being honest with your friends (1 Peter 1: 22)? Respecting your leaders (Hebrews 13: 17)? Having a servant heart? Forgiving? We need to challenge ourselves this year to live higher.

Integrity in Spirit Soul and Body - being right, thinking right and living right.

Paul prayed that the God of peace sanctify us completely, that our whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 5: 23). God is challenging us to not only have a born again spirit but also to then think right and make right choices. In other words to have a mind that is meditating on God's Word so that we are being transformed into His image. As we do this then we are going to live right. One of the things that struck me towards the end of 2012 was how joyous it was for those of us who served the homeless in the Night Shelter at our LNC building in December. Even though it was sacrificial and inconvenient it gave a very deep sense of joy. We are made to serve as sons and daughters of God and when we do we are truly being who God has made us to be - representatives of Christ (Philippians 2: 5 - 7).

At the beginning of 2013 ask God how He wants you to grow and where you are called to serve, because as you do you will be surprised by the sense of fulfilment and joy that will come from living out your true identity. Jesus knew who He was, where He had come from and where He was going and so was able to serve His Father's purpose (John 13: 3 - 4). He wasn't afraid of the challenge.

Being & Making Excellent Disciples

As we live with integrity (top down and inside out) we live excellently. People will be attracted to honest, purposeful and joyous lives. Another incident that was a blessing to me recently was when someone who was not normally among our church family attended a birthday celebration and commented on how amazing the relationships were. She was a professional lady who meets with many groups up and down the country but she said she was impacted by something extra special in our relationships that she had not seen elsewhere. As we live honest lives of love for God and others then those looking on will be attracted. Challenge yourself to reach out to others in 2013.  I believe God is talking to us about growth both internally and externally this year. Seeking to grow in our maturity in Christ will cause us to grow spiritually, relationally, numerically and financially (Matthew 6: 33).

Lets press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3: 14). If you challenge yourself others will be challenged. Have a great 2013 and may you be a kingdom disciple and make kingdom disciples.

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