As we have sought the Lord for 2017 we have heard the word for the
year: ‘Advancing the Kingdom - right here, right now’ in LNC. What a year 2016
has been with so much political change and turmoil. Brexit, a new Prime
Minister and a new unexpected American President. Finally we have seen the
awful war in Syria unfolding on our TV screens. Yet in all these things, no
matter what side we found ourselves drawn to, God is in control. He is shifting
things and working through all the gaps and margins.
God's Kingdom Government
We are told in Isaiah 9 that to us a child has been born, to us a
son has been given and of the increase of his government and peace there will
be no end (vs. 5- 7). Isn't it great to know that God is in control of the
eternal government and he sits on his throne in heaven (which is his
headquarters) directing things. This doesn't mean there are not still battles
raging on the earth. There are still rebel forces fighting against the King’s
government, but ultimately, we know who wins. In fact, we are told that the Son
sits in the heavens and laughs when he sees the nations' governments coming
against him (Ps. 2: 4). Therefore, God is not worried or threatened by
humanistic or demonic opposition.
The Nature of God's Kingdom
The nature of this Godly government is that it starts small as a
child or a tiny seed, but grows into the mature Son's rule and reign. As at the
battle of Midian, it can start small and look weak like Gideon and his 300-member
army (Is. 9: 4 & Judges 7), yet it ends up defeating the whole army of the
Midianites. This Kingdom (the King’s domain) is more than a geographical area
but ‘a reign’ over hearts and minds. Of the increase of the King’s government
and peace there will be no end (Is. 9: 7).
God's Kingdom reflects the Nature of the King
Another wonderful thing about the King’s government is that it
reflects the life and nature of the King. His name will be called wonderful
Councillor - He is a supernatural Councillor with incredible wisdom for us from
heaven. He is Mighty God - He has all the power we need to transform our lives,
church and society. He is God. He is Everlasting Father - that's wonderful; he
is a relational father that is eternal - he'll never stop loving us. He is
Prince of Peace - that means his Kingdom brings relational lasting inner peace
with God and between peoples. It is a kingdom of shalom – wholeness, completeness, unity,
social cohesion, health and prosperity.
How are we to respond to advancing Jesus Kingdom right here, right
now, in 2017?
We are shown that the kingdom ‘forcefully advances’ in Matt 11:
12. The word here is biazetai which can mean that the Kingdom
forcefully advances and that it can also be forcefully resisted. We see this in
Jesus’ life where he forcefully advanced the kingdom through the casting out of
demons, healing the sick and being an example of radical love to sinners (Luke
11: 20). Yet at the same time we see him forcefully resisted by the religious
authorities and dying on a cross. However, even the resistance ended in victory
for Christ and us through his redemption and resurrection power.
Be intentional
In terms of seeing the Kingdom forcefully advance in our lives
firstly we need to have an encounter with ‘God right here, right now’. The
Kingdom is right here, right now and it is up to us to be intentional about our
response to it. When the Holy Spirit comes upon us sometimes it will be as a
fire and powerful wind (Acts 2: 1 - 4). We are to respond proactively to his
presence and rhema words to us right here, right now
(John 15: 7 - 8). It may mean intentionally expressing our love for our wives
or husbands or children in a way they understand and receive love (Ephesians 5
- 6: 4). Or perhaps being honest or faithful to our friends or neighbours, employer
or employees (Romans 12: 9; Eph 6: 6 - 9). Or stepping out in faith to share the
gospel with a friend or praying for someone on the street (Luke 9: 1 - 2). Or
starting a Kingdom business or project. ‘Nothing is achieved by good intentions
but anything is possible with definite goals’ that are birthed by God. Will you
be obedient to the King this year? It could result in great advancement of the
Kingdom into people's lives. When Jesus did what he saw his father doing there
were results. As we step out we will see the kingdom manifesting right here, right
now. That will change the world.
Be prepared for Resistance
Secondly when we do step out by faith and God's grace meets us and
empowers us, we will still need to be prepared to be resisted. I'm amazed
sometimes how everything can come against me when I decide to follow the
prompting of the Holy Spirit. The car can break down, the printer can stop
working, a misunderstanding occurs or people resist us or sickness breaks out.
We have to be prepared for people or authorities to come against us at times
when we decide to follow God's ways. In some countries physical persecution
will take place against the gospel of the Kingdom. This reinforces how we need
to pray and be in the Word and stand together as Christians. The success of the
dream is in a good team. As we work together and synergize with our various God
given gifts we will succeed (Eph 4: 16). For one can put a thousand to flight
but two ten thousand (Deut. 32: 30). It's just the way the Kingdom works.
May God bless, grace and strengthen you as you advance the Kingdom
in your life, church and society in 2017. For God is with you - right here,
right now.
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