Friday, 1 January 2021

SHALOM IN 2021 By Alex Afriyie

As we sought the Lord for a Word for 2021 at London Network Church, we felt that God was speaking to us about Shalom. Shalom is the Hebrew Old Testament word that we translate ‘Peace’. But a fuller way of understanding this word would be our modern understanding of ‘Well Being’ and ‘Wholeness’. God’s peace affects not only our inner being but can extend to the whole of society. It means peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquillity. We as believers are to carry that peace (John 14: 27) despite what is happening in the whirlwind of world events. We are to demonstrate the harmony of peace because ‘Christ is our peace’, and He has made us all one in our diversity (Ephesians 2: 14).

When quoting Isaiah 61, Jesus made clear in Luke 4: 18 – 19, that the Spirit of the Lord had anointed Him to preach the gospel to both the physically and spiritually poor (Matthew 5: 3 & Luke 6: 20) and heal the broken hearted, those with the deepest emotional and psychological needs. Jesus is there to heal, to deliver people spirit, soul and body. To meet spiritual, emotional, physical and even social needs.

In the 1700s Wesley referred to Is 61 in his revival which came immediately after great difficulty and unrest. Out of unrest came a great revival that affected the whole of society.

After the unrest of 2020 (e.g. Covid, justice Issues, Brexit) I believe that God wants us as sons and daughters of God, as ‘anointed ones’, to bring healing to people’s whole beings, meeting their spiritual, psychological, physical and relational needs through the Good News. We can preach and demonstrate the year of the Lord’s favour. This will happen through what we say, how we serve, through providing a listening ear, offering prayer and supplying access to healing communities.

One of the things we are looking to provide this year is a regular healing clinic for the community where people can share their needs and receive healing, prophetic word, a listening ear and practical help. It is time for the nations in London, the UK and the world, to say, ‘…Let us go up to ….the house of …God… and He will teach us His ways’ (Isaiah 2: 2 – 4).

The world is hurting (Romans 8: 19 – 22); I believe that as we arise with courageous love and faith as the church and as individual believers, we will have something unique and healing to bring to the world in 2021. SHALOM!

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