In 2022 we are sensing that God is speaking to us about 'Enlarging The Place of Our Tent' (Isaiah 54: 2). This means God is calling us each as the people of God to our full capacity; we might not know what that is or how we can get there but because God is saying it, He will do it.
This is about stepping out in faith even if we feel we don't have the energy or resources (Isaiah 54: 1). Good examples of this are Jesus with the feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14: 13 - 21). 'You give them something to eat', Jesus said. But the disciples only had 5 loaves and 2 fish from a small boys lunch. Or the widow who was about to get her children taken away because of a debt. Elijah asked her to find containers so God could fill them with oil so she could pay off her debt (2 Kings 4: 1 - 7).
This year God is saying to us that we are to move in actions of faith, where we stretch our capacity and He will meet the need. He will supply the emotional or physical strength. The Lord will supply the materials or finances needed. He will supply the relationships needed and the spiritual strength. All we need to do is offer what we have to him and he will increase our capacity.
What Do We Need To Do?
We will need to be obedient to Jesus; the obedience of faith is key (Romans 1: 5). It's not about lots of self-effort or 'virtue signalling' but being governed by the Spirit of God (Romans 8: 14). As King Saul discovered, obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15: 22).
As we engage with God and strengthen our tent pegs, by rooting them firmly in Christ we will see ourselves flourishing (Isaiah 54: 2). This does not mean things won't be hard or traumatic but it does mean we will see God bring about His purposes, His provision and increase, supernaturally. He is El Shaddai - God Almighty - the 'All Sufficient One', He is our Husband, our Maker (Is 54: 5) and He won't abandon us.
However, this will be a walk of faith. As the disciples and the widow had to offer what they had in the boys lunch and jar containers, so we have to make available what we have; our time, talent and treasure so God can increase them supernaturally.
So let's not hold back our hearts from God this year because He will increase our capacity and cause us to change the world as we pray, share his gospel, disciple new believers and serve Him and His world.
I truly believe the church, God's people, you and me, are the hope for our troubled world. So we need to lead the way in 2022 to demonstrate God's power, truth and steadfast love.
As Archbishop Desmond Tutu (who has just died) once said, 'Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.'
Like the heroes of faith that have gone before us and seen great change; Susanna and Charles Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, Billy Graham, Desmond Tutu; we too can see transformation as we enlarge the place of our tent, our capacity.