ISAIAH 62: 1-12 MSG
For 2023 in London Network Church, we as a leadership felt God was calling us to burn bright through prayer. This leads to a greater sense of God's presence, which in turn leads to a greater sense of God's purpose.
Regarding Zion, I can’t keep my mouth shut, regarding Jerusalem, I can’t hold my tongue, Until her righteousness blazes down like the sun and her salvation flames up like a torch. Foreign countries will see your righteousness, and world leaders your glory.
ISAIAH 62: 1-2 MSG
We are called to be God’s Prophetic Mouthpiece, Kings and priests who cast their crowns and adore Him, a people called to reign and rule. God will vindicate us and He delights in us.
There is a call… for the church to BURN BRIGHT as His people, His body, His bride. You can be secure in His covenant. We are to speak to the world through sharing the gospel and speaking God's truth in love this year. The world is looking for answers because everything is crumbling around them. There are wars, economic stress, health issues and political polarisation.
When God calls us something we become it - that is why the truth sets us free. The truth calls us from what we are into who He has purposed us to be.
You are precious to God. HIS HEART BURNS BRIGHT and He longs for us to draw close and be held by Him.
Remember that God WILL build HIS CHURCH. So what part are we to play? One of those things is to proclaim his gospel and prophetic word; but also we need to pray.
I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night.
You who call on the Lord,
give yourselves no rest,
7 and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem
and makes her the praise of the earth.
they will never be silent day or night.
You who call on the Lord,
give yourselves no rest,
7 and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem
and makes her the praise of the earth.
Isaiah 62: 6 - 7 NIV
Prayer is the engine room of the church, it’s the secret weapon for us to wield. Be tenacious, draw intimately close to the Father, call to remembrance the promises of God. Take seriously the call to PRAY. Prayer releases PROMISE, POWER and PRESENCE. It’s not about religious ritual, but intimate relationship. PRESENCE, PURPOSE and POWER is released through INTIMACY.
God is going to restore a love for His word.
There is going to be a release of finance, abundant radical provision that is almost counterculture.
God is going to restore mental health and true peace and joy. The church is going to clear the way for breakthrough in the nation. There will be fulfilment of promise and release into purpose, a Joseph season of abundance. Invest for the future. Turn your ear to the voice of the Lord and He will direct your steps.
So answer the call: BURN BRIGHT